Friday, June 23, 2006

Ender's Game

By O.S. Card

Ender's Game

This book was recommended to me by my sister, and I can see why. Ender's Game is a great book. If you are ready to stimulate your imagination you should read it. It's about this little boy that is destined to destroy a alien species. I won't say more about the book because I don't want to give it away.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

What's the Controversy

Dan Brown

The Da Vinci Code

So I just got done reading the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown it was quite enlightening to see what stories people will come up with so that they don't have to be accountable to a higher power. In this case God. There were so many things in the book that he had no real idea about. They were simple facts that if a person open the Bible and read it would know that Dan Brown is ignorant to the Christian faith. I feel that this will be another case of Creation vs. Evolution. I'm afraid now that it's out there in aways people are more able to understand it then they will believe it since we are in an age were we take things at others say as fact without doing research. This will be another hurdle Christians are going to have to leap in order to help the people searching for God to find him without getting caught in the lies ourselves.

This isn't the first time these writing have made an appearance. Both John and Paul have written about the Gnostic beliefs in the Bible and have warned Christians to not be persuaded by their philosophies. The Gnosticism is where the Nag Hammadi documents came from. See how relevant the Bible is whether now or 2000 years ago. God knows what Christians need to hear.


1 John

Reading the whole book of both of these would be good for any Christian.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Chronicles of Narnia

C.S. Lewis

Chronicles of Narnia

The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of 7 books. The first book in the series is The Magician's Nephew. It's the beginning of the world of Narnia. In the book a young boy and his friend (which is a girl) travel to different worlds with his uncles magical rings. They find one world not yet "born." When I read this particular book it remind me of the creation story in the Bible. I seems so magical how everything starts to appear out of nothing. I enjoy these book a lot. I would recommend them for any age group.