Thursday, April 28, 2005

My Last Duchess

By Robert Browning

My Last Duchess

For this poem our professor Dr. Eric Johnson, had us decide whether we would want to marry the Dutch or ever let our sister marry him. All of us said that the guy sounded like a creep and would never want to marry him. Then Dr. Johnson gave us another point of view to view the Dutch. He said that maybe this Dutch changed his mind about marrying his gal so he made all these ridicules reason for why he had his other wife killed. Except in reality she might of died of a disease. So instead of insulting this Count the Dutch made it sound as if he were a jerk.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

My British Lit webpage

I know I said I would post updates on my British Lit webpage about Frankenstein, but for the most part I haven't gotten very far on it. It will be worked on tonight and finished hopefully. I'm using html to make it instead of frontpage. I feel if I use html then it will help me remember and learn new techniques that I've learn this past school year.

Frankenstein Webpage
This site got deleted.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Journey of the Magi

By T.S. Eliot

Journey of the Magi

We all agree that the poem is about the Christ child. Some of us in the class believe that there is a deeper meaning then the Magi just going to see the Christ child but that also that he realizes that there is more to this child then meets the eye. Personally I believe that the Magi realizes that this child will die for the worlds sins. Also that the will be or has been another death, one within himself just by seeing this child.

The Waste Land

By T.S. Eliot

The Waste Land

The Waste Land is a very difficult poem to read. Eliot alluseds to other works of literature. To fully understand this poem you must either read those works of literature or read the footnotes.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


By William Wordsworth


This is one of the first poem that the class discussed early in the semester. Most of the class said that the speaker in the poem was reflecting on his past and how he use to look at the world. The speaker also looks at his present life and how he interacts with the nature. Then he looks at the future and how other people will interact with nature especially his little sister.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Dover Beach

By Matthew Arnold

Dover Beach

This is a dramatic monologue poem that speaker is talking to someone at a time of leisure. As a class we came to the conclusion that the speaker was searching for the meaning of life. Just like everyone else in the world Arnold wants to know that there is more life than just surviving. He feels like something is missing and wants to find that something. We also said that modernism and how Arnold believes in this kind of belief that Christianity was dead but religion is the biggest aspect in the world. We also discussed that nothing in the world is matter except for what you can hold on to right now. Some students stated that Arnold is pessimistic. I definitely think so.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

on my first day

Hello, I'm glad you decided to stop by. I'm new around here.Just make yourself at home and I hope you enjoy your stay and read.

I've decided to follow my British literature class talking about different poems that we've discussed. Meaning of them have been discussed earlier this semester but some will be current. You will be able to read the poem through the links I provide. Most poems have several meanings so if you would like you can leave a comment on what you think the poems mean. I will be discussing only what my class discusses. I will also be tracking my progress on my website about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for my literature class.
